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Health and Safety Training for All


Health and safety training is an integral feature of any workplace. But who needs it, and why? Employers Regardless of whether an employer is responsible for a large workforce or self-employed, they need to know how to identify hazards and control the risks present in their workplace.

They also need to know how to get help – from their trade association, their local Chamber of Commerce, or their health and safety enforcing authority. Moreover, employers must also know how to go about consulting their employees and/or their representatives about health and safety issues. Any employer that is unsure about any of these aspects would benefit greatly from getting some training from a health and safety consultancy.

Managers and supervisors

More than anything else, managers and supervisors need to know what their employers expect from them in terms of health and safety. Indeed, they need to fully understand their company’s health and safety policy, where it fits into it, and how the company wants health and safety managed. Effective training will help them to meet these expectations.


Everyone who works for an employer (including self-employed people) needs to know how to work safely. Like supervisors, they need to know about their company’s health and safety policy, the arrangements for implementing it, and the part they have to play. They also need to know how they can raise health and safety concerns with their employer. Again, training from health and safety consultants can help them to achieve this.

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